Verbal description of an orgasm

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When this happens she wants my attention there and sometimes wants them treated rougher than I would think is comfortable. I might have been a little misleading, but what usually happens for me is seconds of the intense sensations, and then seconds of much milder sensations, but those would still be considered "part" of the orgasm, yes? I am a man that can achieve this type of orgasm. As with all women each one is unique. March 24, ginger. So I just let it go There are women who lose sensation in their nipples after breastfeeding aka numb nipples , and it sometimes takes years for feeling to return.
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5 Fearless Women Attempt To Describe What An Orgasm Actually Feels Like | Thought Catalog

At this time spontaneous contractions of the anal sphincter, and muscles in the upper legs and pelvic region are common, and increased semi-involuntary movements of the hips usually indicates the imminence of orgasm. My wife often has orgasms that seem to originate with her breasts. Anyway carry on with your life! Possibly multi-orgasmicity is not universal in women, though it is likely that the painful, post-orgasmic sensitivity of the clitoris puts many off trying.
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Ladies...I have a good verbal description of male orgasm, and I'd like an intelligent lady?

Verbal description of an orgasm

Description: The 4 Stages of Female Orgasm. When she was pleasuring me - if she decided it was "time" for me to climax then and there - regardless of whether or not I was close - all she had to do was lick, suck and gently bite my left nipple, and that would immediately send me over the top into a very sudden, very intense climax - every time. Want to add to the discussion? I can't say that my wife cums from nipple stimulation alone but certainly right along with her vaginal orgasm. What does it mean when a guy look at you and his expression is super excited?

Views: 3928 Date: 06.07.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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