Wont stop orgasm

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Feel free to share these in the Sexual Achievement Sunday threads that are provided by the mods. Jesus, non-universal healthcare is so fucked up. Did you reach a new level of orgasmic intensity before this started happening? I'm not on any medication so I dont think this would be a side effect of anything. Fap material is not allowed. They are just as strong when it first started to now.
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Woman Experiences Orgasm For 3 Hours, Rushed To ER: Is It A Real Condition?

Wont stop orgasm

Description: And please do it before you have sex or masturbate, there could be a serious brain issue at play here. Five days of orgasm and you did not vist the doctor yet? Tell them it's an emergency. So everything is a little better now and I'm actually able to think straight I'll answer a couple questions. Jesus, non-universal healthcare is so fucked up.

Views: 3732 Date: 03.07.2017 Favorited: 5 favorites

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