Coochy cream bikini wax

Like everything though, this method has its negatives too. The bigger issue though at least in my opinion is the limited range of use for these. You slather it on your bikini area, your under arms, your legs, your face for the guys or the twigs and berries, too. They are fairly effective and easy to use, but there are a few downsides and precautions you should take. I have been selling the coochy shave cream for about 10 years at our home Bliss pleasure parties, but when I opened Curvy Girl , I knew we would have to have this fab product here, too. But, the real trick to this method is making sure you have a great shaving cream.
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Coochy Shave Cream

It's consistency is a cream lotion like the EOS or any other hair conditioner so it won't lather. I purchased it to use on my private area but I only used it on my legs I'm pregnant, I can't see my private parts even if I tried let alone shave them. Also I cut myself less with this. It's pricey, but I think it's worth not getting itchy bumps and burns after. More reviews by stonefree More reviews by Jdeneen.
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Honey Mango Shave Reviews. Update product name Please update with care. I usually get Brazilian waxes regularly, but when I either can't get to the salon or can't afford it, I use this. More reviews by Blynn7.
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Coochy cream bikini wax

Description: I don't have anymore of that weird grayish, dry, stubbly skin that you get from shaving. I was tempted to used it as a conditioner as well, but it doesn't really feel like it did a great job on my head hair Simply put, Coochy cream has given me such a smooth coochy. More reviews by beautygirl I grabbed this stuff one day on my into the shower, figuring it was about time I tried it out.

Views: 3626 Date: 31.07.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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