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There have been attempts to reclaim the word for girls and women, and some individuals embrace the title as a source of pride. Anna North of The New York Times covered Leora Tanenbaum who stated, "As Black women, we do not have the privilege or the space to call ourselves 'slut' without validating the already historically entrenched ideology and recurring messages about what and who the Black woman is. Slut has different associations for black women. Retrieved 2 December — via Telegraph UK. The participants in these walks protest against individuals that excuse rape due to the woman's appearance, including victim blaming and slut shaming; slut walks have now become a worldwide movement. Slut is generally a term for a woman or girl who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous.
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Slut - Wikipedia

Unlike women, who are usually policed for being sexually promiscuous, men are often criticized for not being "masculine" or "dominant" enough, thus questioning their heterosexuality. Retrieved 4 April The term has been " taken back " to express the rejection of the concept that government, society, or religion may judge or control one's personal liberties, and the right to control one's own sexuality. Human sexuality Sexology Sexual slur Terminology of homosexuality.
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Description: The word slut means different things to white women and people of color , especially black women. Retrieved 1 December List of films that most frequently use the word "fuck". Gruber, Susan Fineran Anna North of The New York Times covered Leora Tanenbaum who stated, "As Black women, we do not have the privilege or the space to call ourselves 'slut' without validating the already historically entrenched ideology and recurring messages about what and who the Black woman is.

Views: 5212 Date: 06.11.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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