Live female orgasm video
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MRI scan video of female orgasm shows how activity lights up EVERY region of brain
The easy rule of thumb turns out to be that if a woman's vagina is less than 2. For women, penile-anal penetration may also indirectly stimulate the clitoris by the shared sensory nerves, especially the pudendal nerve , which gives off the inferior anal nerves and divides into the perineal nerve and the dorsal nerve of the clitoris. In a clinical context, orgasm is usually defined strictly by the muscular contractions involved during sexual activity, along with the characteristic patterns of change in heart rate, blood pressure, and often respiration rate and depth. It is believed that the exact feeling of "orgasm" varies from one man to another. Erotic submission,discipline,fetishes,Switchy and perverted games, these are my real passions! The best Android handset out there: The Orgasm Answer Guide.
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They found that using this metric they could distinguish from rest, voluntary muscular contractions, and even unsuccessful orgasm attempts. Restricted to adults only! The sperm are transmitted up the vas deferens from the testicles , into the prostate gland as well as through the seminal vesicles to produce what is known as semen. International Journal of Impotence Research. It's hoped that further understanding of these processes will help patients who are unable to achieve orgasm.
Description: Other proposed factors include how well women focus mentally on vaginal sensations during penile-vaginal intercourse, the greater duration of intercourse, and preference for above-average penis length. The scan was taken of Nan Wise, a year-old sex therapist, who volunteered to sit in an MRI scanner while stimulating herself. However, a subsequent report by Rudie Kortekaas, et al. Retrieved 11 February EEG tracings from volunteers during orgasm were first obtained by Mosovich and Tallaferro in
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Date: 12.11.2016
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