Why sperm smells like fish

Gorbachev76 , Jan 11, We stopped having sex to see if that's what it was, and it doesn't happen unless he ejaculates in me. I'm having the same problem Hun! Is my penis lengthy normal? Know Your Cancer Options Hearing Loss Help Ringing in the Ears Managing Cancer Knee Pain Management. What does semen taste like? Please don't let him tell you that you may have a care risk infection or a disease.
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What Is the Smell of Sperm?

We probably just need to bite the bullet and go to the gynecologist. Because if he has something wrong with his prostate then his semen could possibly be yellow. The Prostate is wierd, it can get an infection yet not hurt. Does cat sperm smell bad? That should clear it up. I don't know why it happens, I'm seeking the answer myself. Sperm usually survive minutes outside the body, depending on the surrounding environment.
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How can you prevent a fishy odor in sperm? - WebMD Answers

If not, I'm going to request further treatmen Report this. My Girlfriend isn't put off by the smell as it is a reminder of me, but it isn't something that she wants to put up with. If I make my self ejaculate the fishy smell comes from me. If it's the fish you keep as pets they only smell "fishy" if you don't clean the tank often enough. I will be making an appointment for this weekend and I'll let you know the results, but we have not been using condoms and we have been having unprotected sex together for eight months now.
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Why sperm smells like fish

Description: Health Information A-Z Our index of medical information authored by professionals Community Join the discussion in our forums Medicine directory Drug treatments, dosage instructions and side effects Medical Professionals Information for medical professionals Symptom Checker Assess your symptoms online with our free symptom checker. I never knew seamen could smell so bad!! In theory the Prostate Gland is there to stop urine and ejaculate to be expelled at the same time. North West England Posts:

Views: 3152 Date: 02.03.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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