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A pub gang bang
I compose myself, splashing water on my face, before I re-join them. I nod eagerly, desperate to be fucked. Such a delicious and amusing ending to Eroticon indeed! There is an excited electricity among my companions, and several of them are trying to conceal smirks. I can feel a firm, satisfying erection pressing into my hip and I bite my lip. I particularly like the confusion of who is doing what at any one time!
A pub gang bang - Tits And Test Tubes
Such a delicious and amusing ending to Eroticon indeed! My mind barely has time to process these knicker-soaking words before the girl next to me has grabbed my shoulder and spun me to face her. I obey, and hear the sound of my tights being ripped. I hear the snip of scissors and my eyes spring open.
Description: His words cut through the overwhelming sensations: There are glasses of wine and tall glasses of chilled drinks filed with ice on the table. There are hard spanks falling on both cheeks, but even as I give a little moan of pain I can feel the wetness beginning to drip down my legs. Soft and sweet to start with, then turning more forcefully, and she bites my lower lip as she pulls away.
Views: 5288
Date: 20.08.2016
Favorited: 5
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