Multiple intelligence impact on adult learning
The ability to interpret and graphically represent visual or spatial ideas architect, iconographer, computer graphics designer, art critic Self-expressive: Such a focus, however, means that it does not deal with the individualized process of learning. As a tool to help students develop a better understanding and appreciation of their own strengths and learning preferences. The following are some strengths of learning-style models: Interpersonal The ability to use the body to build rapport, to console or persuade, and to support others. We all intuitively understand the difference between musical and linguistic, or spatial and mathematical intelligences, for example. Learning Styles Learning-style theory begins with Carl Jung , who noted major differences in the way people perceived sensation versus intuition , the way they made decisions logical thinking versus imaginative feelings , and how active or reflective they were while interacting extroversion versus introversion.
Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences
People who demonstrate a high degree of intrapersonal intelligence may be ideally suited for service professions, such as teaching or politics. Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development, We esteem the highly articulate or logical people of our culture. People who excel in this intelligence, with an Understanding style, might be professional athletes like Tiger Woods , dance critics, or sports analysts; people with a Self-expressive style might be sculptors, choreographers, dancers like Gene Kelly , actors, mimes, or puppeteers. Equally important, the evidence for the "what is it? This statement has been verified by the distinct growth of eLearning, where creating eLearning activities that appeal to a variety of eLearning needs ensures that learners better understand the eLearning content in ways that are meaningful to them. People with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages.
Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences - Educational Leadership
Critical thinking scenarios are also useful with this group. This refers to having a deep understanding of the self; what one's strengths or weaknesses are, what makes one unique, being able to predict one's own reactions or emotions. Physical Educator, Sports Analyst, Professional Athlete, Dance Critic Self-Expressive The ability to appreciate the aesthetics of the body and to use those values to create new forms of expression. There are further questions around the notion of selfhood that Howard Gardner employs — something that he himself has come to recognize.
How Multiple Intelligences Theory Can Be Implemented In eLearning
Description: This category responds well, first and foremost, to activities, which require introspection. The Mastery style learner absorbs information concretely; processes information sequentially, in a step-by-step manner; and judges the value of learning in terms of its clarity and practicality. This typically involves the acquisition of new knowledge. Harvard Business School Press. The Understanding style learner focuses more on ideas and abstractions; learns through a process of questioning, reasoning, and testing; and evaluates learning by standards of logic and the use of evidence.
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Date: 12.03.2016
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