Baptist doctrine on interracial marriages

Hold on a second. My wife has yet to loose her looks even though others may think that due to her age. BDW — Absolutely, but when I give a reason, because of racist sensitivity, it is immediately construed that I mean what society has defined it as. You made the statement. Stricter for the good and stricter for the bad. When you meet that boy, how do you determine what his race is? No race is superior and no race is inferior in my book.
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Interracial Marriage and Emergent Truth

Thus it is, as always good to understand what the Bible is actually saying and to read it in context. This is the 17th story in a series examining the national debate over same-sex "marriage" and appears in Baptist Press every Friday This series will resume April First of all, there is but one race—the human race! Interracial marriages are in my opinion an example of a modern social victory! Forgiveness according to the Church is conferred upon people in two ways; the first is Baptism, which washes away Original Sin and all actual Sins and the second is Confession where sinners approach the Priest, who acts in Persona Christi, and receives absolution forgiveness for the Sins Confessed. Should you donate your car?
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why are southern baptist, in general, against interracial marriage? | Yahoo Answers

I have read that Afro American woman do seem to be limited on their choice of perspective partners in their race, and interracial marriages with white males seem to be working out better in general. Billy Graham integrated his crusades, despite community standards of truth, because the Bible teaches that the gospel is for all men. All Christians are under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in our own lives and in human society Copyright c Baptist Press. Noah walked with God.
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What does the Bible say about interracial marriage?

Baptist doctrine on interracial marriages

Description: The viewpoint varies by denomination and affiliation. God has ordained the family as the foundational institution of human society. Some societies, cultures, families and individuals agree and disagree with it; so basically it depends on your culture, upbringing and beliefs on the subject it what decision you feel is correct. Interracial marriage, especially evidenced by the black-white example in the United States, has been an unfortunate case of culture twisting and replacing theology.

Views: 2390 Date: 13.12.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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