Cichlid swollen anus
I think you right about parasites. I did a huge water change, vacuum etc today. That's a lot worse than yesterday, poor Chewy. Along with that, her stomach is huge. They were apparently over fed says the "fish guy" who I hired to move the tank. Please paste your code into the box below:
Oscar: Bubble Protruding From Anus
I have a QT set up running a cycled filter and I did a water change tonight and used about 6 g of display tank water in the 10 gal qt tank. Usually this bloat and algae problems are caused by overfeeding. I do not know the species of these cichlids. I am writing on behalf of my cichlids. Some aquarists have reported back claiming some success using a copper treatment. Every month one fish dies, I have to get my water tested and then I'll get back to you.
The norm. Age: 24. I dress elegant & chic or as casual as you prefer. In the bedroom i can dress in exquisite, sexy lingerie or in hot, raunchy outfits to get your pulse going!
URGENT! Cichlid with red swollen anus! |
I would separate them and watch for fungus around the damaged areas. If it was the intestine that ruptured there really is nothing you can do for her, other than euthanizing her humanely when she began failing. While changing too much water can cause problems if the new water has a very different chemistry or temperature, in general this big water changes aren't a problem. I even soaked food pellets with the medicine and it cleared up in all fish except for one of my smaller moorii.
URGENT! Cichlid with red swollen anus!
Description: Infected by Saprolegnia sp. Set an ejemplo amiga! I'm not sure what to do. It was my 23rd birthday a week ago, and my father, knowing how much I love fish, got me a small 10 gallon to go on the dresser of mine and my boyfriends dresser.
Views: 2272
Date: 13.05.2017
Favorited: 5
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