Female domination of submisive husbands

I will go in the house and order my husband to get in a submissive position and than I will inform him of my desire to take my date to bed with me. How often and for how long do I deny my husband? Naturally, when he is this naughty, he is afraid of returning to the submissive role for fear of retribution. I rarely have sex with a man on my first date and there have been men that I was outwardly attracted to but after a couple of dates, I changed my mind. Regardless which approach I use, my goal is to get him into a submissive state. You are causing him to surrender his will and his strength over to you by your feminine power. You must serve her and be helpful to her.
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Views: 4757 Date: 06.09.2015 Favorited: 5 favorites

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