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A real Kim jung un mother fucker. In the movie the victim goes home and then kills herself, but not before putting a curse on the bullies. A grudge so to speak. Chinese, vietnamese, javanese, japanese or even pekinese is no excuse, shave that twat!! Lol ewestomper… Really, a girl should smell good, but, no exaggeration bentendo: I could jerk off to this all night. The connector has not been charged but I will imagine the naked girl on the floor, hum….
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Perhaps those fat bitches are jealous of that fine figure the poor girl has. I second that jack. I want to beat those bitches myself. So true Wicked mama, I do hope this is a fake video, if not that poor girls life is a mess. Id go back in time and bury that kid alive in the woods.
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Asian girl stripped

Description: You would feel so much better. Spread the hair make a path. Those little bitches should be charged with sexual assault for posting it on the internet. If they do, I hope their unholy spawn gets some sort of congenital and incurable disease. Cuz she looked beautiful,prolly reason the other girls were being cunts!

Views: 3272 Date: 31.01.2016 Favorited: 5 favorites

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+ -
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wow boobs
+ -
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Very sexy lady, nice video despite poor picture quality.
+ -
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Why is it so swelled
+ -
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+ -
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Want her .
+ -
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made me wish i was rich
+ -
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Very sexy! Good clean & fresh asshole for fucking!